NYC Family Vacation Recap

NYC!! What is it about you??

Like Annie’s “star-to-be”, I am still asking myself this question. Is it the FIVE Ladurée locations? The abundance of rainbow bagels? Or just the knowledge that SJP’s Manolos have clickety-clacked upon the same upper east side sidewalks that you find yourself standing on?

Back in May our little family descended upon the city that never sleeps and packed a week’s worth of fun into a 24 hour chunk. Allow me to deconstruct.

We had a family wedding to attend on Long Island, and rather than send out a solo member, we bravely decided to make it a family affair after realizing we had the Jet Blue points to fund the flights. We made the plans to stay with my cousin, his wife and daughter in Massapequa and purchased red-eye flights into JFK. Then I quickly got into formation – planning, packing, and panicking…about just about every detail imaginable.

The trip came at us fast and before we knew it, we landed in New York and had successfully gotten both girls to sleep on the plane! David and I were not as fortunate and despite the Unisom, neither of us got more than an hour of sleep.

I sipped a scalding hot Dunkin Donuts coffee from the airport and we rode the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) to Massapequa. After getting settled and attending the first of two pre-wedding activities, we rested up for our ONE big day in the city.

But first – a Massapequa rainbow bagel!

You see, between wedding festivities, PTO, and missing school, we decided that we could really only swing one full day in the city. And luckily E’s aunt (a local New Yorker) mapped out an entire day of fun, and was able to join in and act as our guide.

We rode the LIRR into the city once again, and can I just say – I love riding the train. I could dead ass be a commuter with a podcast, comfy sneakers, and little backpack, I can see it now! We borrowed an umbrella stroller for Clara from my cousin and it was easily the BEST decision we made the whole trip. Homegirl loved it, we loved it, just a total win.

We started with the Museum of Natural History. The place is colossal and so iconic, I could easily have spent a whole day wandering around. But a busy toddler who wants to run, yell, and touch everything, affords you 2 hours tops. The highlights for us were the blue whale (ocean) room, the gems, and the dinosaurs.

After that, we walked up to the original Levain Bakery on 74th Street and got 3 different flavors of their massive cookies. They live up to the hype.

The upper west side is so quintessential New York, I loved pushing Clara in the stroller and pretending we were headed home to one of the impressive brownstones.

Then we had lunch at Lenwich and Clara promptly PTFO.

After lunch we headed over to Central Park to stroll through Strawberry Fields.

The walk through Central Park was absolutely gorgeous and the weather was perfect.

Then we hustled to the subway to make our way to St.Pat’s cathedral. But before I get there, can we talk about riding the subway with 2 kids, a backpack and stroller? We quickly found out the stroller wouldn’t fit through the GD turnstiles and David and I were STRUGGLING. Just full upper-lip sweat for me. We must have scanned the subway card like 10 times before a nice older gentleman pointed to a steel door off to the side. A big sign on the door said “DO NOT OPEN”, so I hesitated when I went to open it and looked over at the man again. He nodded at me like, “Just do it already!” so I opened the door and a LOUD-ASS alarm went off. Cue more upper-lip sweat. David plowed through, stroller in tow and we ran through on our merry way. I kept looking over our shoulder for the subway police to come write us a ticket, but it never happened. Over the course of the next 24 hours I witnessed several people utilize this door to carry through strollers, bikes, and other large items . We used the door each time after that with pride, feeling like cool, seasoned New York parents navigating the subway with ease!

Ok, back to St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

It is gorgeous yes, but I feel like the fact that it is a.) in the U.S and b.) in the middle of a bustling city makes it all the more cool.

Then we spotted something that we knew immediately HAD to be added to our afternoon plans.

The American Girl Store!

E and I were in heaven. Running around and squealing like 6 year olds. Clara was impressed but still a little too young to really “get it”. The NY store is really worth a visit if you’re an OG American Girl fan like me, they have a hair salon, doll hospital, and restaurant!

Then we walked over to FAO Schwartz where I discovered they make you pay to play the giant piano from Big. LAME. I opted instead for a picture in the Barbie box.

Then we hopped back on the subway to make our reservation at the Museum of Ice Cream. If you aren’t aware, the Museum of Ice Cream is an Instagram-worthy sensory experience, not a traditional museum. The self-guided tour leads groups through several rooms, all with an ice cream theme where guests are served – you guessed it – ice cream!

After ice cream, it was almost dinner time. We checked into our hotel in Times Square which was small, but nice, clean, and cozy. Then, we headed to dinner at Serendipity!

OBVIOUSLY we got the frozen hot chocolate. But I didn’t see John Cusack (sigh).

Then we headed back to the hotel for some much-needed shut eye. I know this pic is blurry, but it perfectly captures the moment so idc.

The next day we started out bright and early for another few hours of sight-seeing before we had to go back to Long Island. E, David, and E’s Aunt TT went to the “top of the Rock” (Rockafeller Plaza) while Clara and I slept in.

E was dead-set on going to Madame Tussaud’s and I knew I couldn’t leave without getting a picture of Carrie Bradshaw’s apartment. So, we split up. E, David, and Aunt TT went to Madame Tussaud’s while Clara and I braved the rain and the subway to find 66 Perry Street.

Annnd, we found it!

Tears literally welled up in my eyes you guys. Such a millenial.

Then it started to downpour so Clara and I ran into a Dunkin. Her wet hair and happy little donut smile KILL ME.

That afternoon, we rode the train back to Long Island for the rehearsal dinner. The next day was the wedding and I must say, we slayed the formal attire.

We had an amazing time at the wedding. Overall, it was such a whirlwind trip but OH, so memorable!

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